Tom Owens
Head of PoliticsDepartment: History & Politics
Job title: Head of Politics
Date joined the RGS? 2012
Q. What's the best thing about working at the RGS?
A. The cut and thrust of an A Level Politics classroom where views can be shared, challenged and hopefully formed.
Q. What do you love about your department?
A. We are friends as well as colleagues
Q. Which staff social groups are you involved in?
A. I also coach a great deal of sport (hockey and cricket) so spend a great deal of time with our PE department.
Q. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
A. Playing golf, playing/managing/umpiring hockey, travel (Italy preferably)
Q. If you could choose any other career, what would it be?
A. A professional sportsman.
Q. What is your motto in life?
A. Try and do everything well in life, but don’t worry about perfection.
Q. If you could give one bit of advice to your younger self what would it be?
A. Stay fit, even as the years pile on!
Q. What would be the title of your autobiography?
A. The power behind the throne.