William Spouge
Teacher of History, Teacher Training MentorDepartment: History
Job title: Teacher of History, Teacher Training Mentor
Date joined the RGS: 2017
Q. What's the best thing about working at the RGS?
A. The students
Q. What do you love about your department?
A. It's full of good-humoured, supportive and very competent people.
Q. Which staff social groups are you involved in?
A. No official ones... but semi-frequently I join the weekly review meeting after school on a Friday afternoon in the Three Pigeons.
Q. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
A. Meeting friends, judo, reading, going to gigs, running, cycling, playing guitar... lots of things!
Q. If you could choose any other career, what would it be?
A. Wandering Samurai
Q. If you could give one bit of advice to your younger self what would it be?
A. Cut your hair.
Q. What would be the title of your autobiography?
A. Rhymes with Gouge